"Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice!"

Minggu, 04 November 2018

November 04, 2018 - No comments

Basic English Vocabulary

So you want to learn English vocabulary? Great!
Now, where do you start?

What is Vocabulary?
Vocabulary means "all the words you know and use". It can also mean "all the words that exist in a language". The word "vocabulary" came to English in the 16th century. It came from the Latin word vocabulum which means "name."  This actually makes sense because vocabulary is the names that we give to things. If you don't know the name of a certain object, then when other people say it, you won't know what they mean to say. It also works the other way around. When you use a name for something that others don't know – they won't understand what you mean to say.

The conclusion? You should get familiar with the commonly used words around you and understand them. You should also find out the true meanings of the less common words so that you will know exactly what they mean.

Why is Vocabulary Important?
It is very important if you want to communicate with other people!
Do you want to say something, read something, listen to something, be something?
Then you need to have a great vocabulary. That is the bottom line of the story.
However, there are types of vocabulary, and some may be more important to you, while others will be less important to you.

Types of Vocabulary
To make things simple, we can divide English vocabulary into several main groups:

  1. Basic/common vocabulary
    This means the most common words of the language. The words that you will encounter most of the time.
  2. Advanced vocabulary
    These words are less common but are very important. They are important because people use them in everyday life and writing.
  3. Special Purpose vocabulary
    These words are used in a certain filed or activity. For example, medical vocabulary, business vocabulary, etc. You must know it well and be able to use it if you are in this field.
source: https://www.really-learn-english.com/learn-english-vocabulary.html

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